Wallpapering a bathroom is one of the most common decorating projects that people are worried about. Is it too much in a small space? Will the wallpaper peel away? Is it easy to wipe? These are the critical questions many ask themselves when considering wallpaper in a bathroom. This is the perfect space in your home to be a little more creative and adventurous. Like kitchens, it is important not to err on the side of being too clinical with your design and accessorising. At Bassetts, we love wallpaper and how it can totally transform a room.
You might think wallpaper is a no-no in the bathroom, but because more of us have started to ask for it, manufacturers are producing wider ranges of specialised solutions. This is not to say that you can’t have regular wallpaper in the bathroom – ensure that your room is well ventilated with an extractor fan and window. Striking designs such as tropical and paisley prints are a fantastic way to introduce a sense of fun into your bathroom.
The answer is yes! Whether you are a maximalist or minimalist when it comes to choosing your home interiors, wallpapering your bathroom adds personality to a commonly ‘white’ area. The bathroom shouldn’t be a room that is off-limits to beautiful eclectic design. Bathroom wallpaper is most commonly used in residential and commercial bathrooms to achieve a super stylish look- so why should we not try it at home?